Welcome to the world of Parafencing, also known as wheelchair-fencing.

My name Iris Tenkink – I invite you to join me on my journey to become a pro-athlete.

The dream – to fence in Paris 2024 (Paralympics)

The mission – to make our sport visible and accessible to all.

Who I am

My name is Iris Tenkink, born in the Netherlands 1982. I have muscular dystrophy from early age and been fully wheelchair-bound since my 17th. I have a background in art, video & writing. After living & studying in London I returned to The Netherlands, where I work  in webdesign, development & content creation. I dreamt about becoming a fencer for many years and in 2019 I was finally able to start. From the moment I picked-up a foil I knew it was right for me.

World Cup, Pisa

Pisa 2023 Iris Tenkink vs Alessia Biagini ITA | T16| Image by Cathrine Bergan

World Cup, WARSAW

Warsaw 2023 Iris Tenkink vs Monica Santos BRA | T32| Image by Yuka Fujita

World Cup, Pisa

Pisa 2021 Iris Tenkink vs Nga Ting Tong | Semi Final | Image by Bizzi Team

World Cup, Pisa

Pisa 2021 Iris Tenkink vs Nga Ting Tong | Semi Final | Image by Bizzi Team

World Cup, Pisa

Pisa 2021 | Medal Ceremony | Image by Bizzi Team

World Cup, Pisa

Pisa 2021 Iris Tenkink | Third | Image by Bizzi Team

2nd Image by Yuka Fujita

ParaFencING Competion

In parafencing it’s encouraged to fence all weapons. I’ve been competing in Foil since 2019 and took up Epee this year (Nov 2022).

I will continue to fence on both weapons Foil & Epee towards qualification for Paris 2024.

Training at Schermcentrum Amsterdam

What’s Next?

Upcoming competitions


4-7 JUL 2024